Special Guest Expert - Callie Kares: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.
Daniel Aaron:
What does it take to create a vibrant, thriving life? First, the sad news is that Thoreau was right most people are leading quiet lives of desperation, lacking in meaning, fulfillment, and vitality. But we choose more. We choose to create extraordinary lives and the art of vibrant living. Show entertains you with inspiration, empowerment and education to create your life into a masterpiece. It's time. Let's vibe up. Hello, y'all. Welcome. Aloha. I am Daniel Aaron, your host. And this is the Art of Vibrant Living show and shocker here. As the title indicates, this show is all about entertaining you, empowering you, inspiring you to create your life into a masterpiece, a thriving, amazing life. And so what we do is have amazing people on here, and I grill them and interrogate them to draw the gold right out of them for you. So here's my suggestion to you one please enjoy. Two don't just be entertained. Take at least one thing that you hear because we got an amazing show in phenomenal guest today. Take at least one thing. Commit to applying it in your life. Right? That's what counts. And by the way, if you don't feel like you are thriving at your full potential, if you feel like there's something more, you're breaking out of something and you would like some help, please do reach out. Just send me an email. Daniel at Daniel aaron.com I would love to connect with you. Love to support you. So today's guest Callie cares. Amazing amazing woman. You are going to be blown away by her story, her experience, the wisdom that she has to share. Um, she's you know, I would read her bio, but it's going to be way better for you to hear it from her because her story is phenomenal. I don't want to I don't want to steal the thunder on that. So we're super lucky to have her today. Callie, thank you so much for being with us on the show.
Callie Kares:
Aloha. Great to be here with you.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Awesome. Well, so, you know, I have the advantage at the moment of knowing a little bit about your extraordinary background. Um, and no one's background defines who they are in their future. Yet the way you overcame in your background certainly says so much about you and about everybody's potential. Right. So would you be up for just sharing with our guests a little bit about, you know, how you got to be here and what, you know, what's informed you to this point?
Callie Kares:
Yes, absolutely. So I am. So I'm wondering if you're talking about my story that was featured with, uh, luminaries. Lisa Nichols from the movie The Secret, or are you talking about the how I got to Hawaii back in 2019? Which story are you referring to?
Daniel Aaron:
Well, now, you know, now that you've teased both of those, we're going to have to talk about both of them. But let's let's go with the with the earlier one first, because I know everybody listening at this point is like, what are you talking about? What. Well, give me that story.
Callie Kares:
Right. Okay. So back when I was 20 years of age, I had an incredible thing happen to me which has given me the knowledge that we are infinite beings that capable of limitless possibilities. And so when I was in university taking psychology and sociology, because I had a I had a tumultuous childhood and it was very dysfunctional family that I grew up in. But you wouldn't have never known on the outside, because I went to private school and we had part of the yacht club and everything like that, but, um, and, but so because I had some belief systems and those kind of experiences, I attracted my very first boyfriend in my life when I was 20 was a psychopath, and he was stalking me, and I left. I changed universities, and I changed, um, everything we actually had. I met him through. We were coworkers, we had the same boss. And so I changed work and everything. But he found me. And on January 22nd this month, um, many years ago, when I was 20. Uh, he was in my underground party, hiding in my underground parking lot, and I knew that I had to get to my I knew actually intuitively that he was there, but I thought I could get to my car and and get out without getting, uh. But I wasn't able to, uh, get into my car because he put some toothpicks into my key lock. And so I was trapped, and he ran up behind me and shot me in the back point blank, and he left me paralyzed there. Um, the. And then when I talked him out of shooting me in the head and then shooting himself in the head, he actually, um, said to me, well, if I'm going to leave you here with nothing to if I'm going to leave you here, I'm going to leave you here with nothing to live for. And I knew intuitively, instantaneously, that he meant he was going to go kill my family. So I drove my car with my hands and, um, and because my legs weren't working anything from my L4, where the bullet is still embedded, um, it's I couldn't use. So I drove my car with my hands.
Callie Kares:
And luckily I got my family out of their house so that the police were waiting for him when he arrived there. And then the big part of the story, um, is the fact that when they told me that the bullet was embedded in my spine and the cord was basically cut, there was just a few fibers left and that and I couldn't. I had no feeling whatsoever. I just instantaneously said, there's nothing that I'm going to do but walk out of this hospital. That's the only thing that I'm going to do. I claimed my future, I claimed it, and there was no other thing. And I had learned visualization from my basketball coaches that were like a Super Bowl ringer, um, Super Bowl ring winners and everything. So they knew visualization. So I had taught that. I was taught that way before The Secret and all of these things. And so I use visualization and I saw myself dancing, actually, I was on the mainland, but I saw myself in Hawaii dancing and swimming and set that as my destination. So it happened on January 22nd, and then six weeks later, I had an instantaneous healing where I went from being paralyzed to dancing. In the moment, my mom's like, let's get you to the hospital. The bullets must have moved. And I said, no, mom, this is a miracle. This is the miracle I was asking for. And then I hopped on a plane and I was in Hawaii for April, um, which was my birthday. And I spent my 21st birthday in Hawaii. And I've had a love affair with Hawaii ever since. Well, I've had a love affair since I was a pre-teen. First time I ever stepped my feet on the Eino, which is land in Hawaiian. Um, I just knew that this was the place that I was supposed to be.
Daniel Aaron:
Wow. All right. And now, of course, this is like, this is the kind of stuff that we see in movies and hear about, um, reading the newspaper, and it doesn't seem real to most of us. Um, yet you experienced that, and it's just phenomenal. So how, like, how did you know? How did you. I mean, to be shot to be to be paralyzed, to be able to drive a car with with your hands, your legs not working? How could that happen? Right. Like, you know, I'm just playing angels advocate in a sense, because I have some imaginations myself as to that. But, you know, there's got to be like a lot of people that would hear that and go, huh? No way. That's not possible. What do you think?
Callie Kares:
Right, I understand, but I still I have I have the bullet in my back so I can prove it. It's still there. And, um, and I will share this. Just because I had the physical healing doesn't mean that I had the emotional healing as well, because there was a lot of personal growth that I needed to do to get over a lot of things, like, why would somebody do this to me? How can how like, how could somebody who is apparently supposed to love me be able to do these things? And those are the types of things that a lot of people in their life may have. Have those same thoughts, maybe not the grave, obviously not the grave experience that I had. But that's what I help a lot of clients with. It's like, how come my partner do this to me? Like, how could they abuse me? Or how could a business partner rip me off? Or how could blah, blah blah, you know, and those the, the how coulds and the and all of the things that you know that real in people's in people's minds. I had to do a lot of work around that. Even though I was physically healed, there was still all the emotional and psychological and belief systems that needed to be cleared. And that and I dedicated to that, which then brought me into the personal development that I've done or that I do, and I've been doing for over 20 years now, and helping tens of thousands of clients. So does that answer your question?
Daniel Aaron:
Well, yes. I mean, that's great what you said. And I think that's really worthy for us to explore a bit like the physical hearing healing is amazing and miraculous in and of itself. But yeah, to your point that that's not all that was required. And that in some ways was the beginning of another journey for you. Um, and so I want to go back, though, because there's more to my question. And you, you may not have an answer and that's okay. Um, you know, and no doubt in my mind about that, it happened. Right. And I know you got the the bullet that is still evidence of it, which is kind of a cool story to in and of itself. But like for, for anybody who hears that, not for anybody, for some people who hears what you experience, it might just sound like. It's not possible. So how? How do you reconcile it? Because you. Of course, you know, it's possible more than anyone. You lived it. But how is it possible to to, you know, to overcome the thing of driving with your hands to save your family, let let alone the miracle of being able to be up and dancing and, you know, in a short while, right?
Callie Kares:
So we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. And I believe that anybody that connects with their faith and like with the spirit, with inside them, that anything is possible. Now, I'm not saying that every single person can overcome paralysis. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is when we set our minds and our and we really connect to who we are, which are we're spiritual beings, we are we are here having a human experience, and we can tap into the spirituality to that connection that we have. And that can't be, you know, that needs a lot. And I've since I was a young girl, I remember coming into this world and wondering like why people were being mean to each other. Why weren't people being loving? Why weren't people like, without even knowing about the Bible or the holy books of all different types? I was wondering why were people not being kind and loving and and doing the terrible things that they were doing? So if people can really connect to the true nature of who we are, then that's where the limitless possibilities. And we hear about it all the time. I mean, there's old ladies, like old grannies that lift up cars to save their child or like, or their grandchild. I mean, I mean, this isn't unique. Um, it is profound. Um, but there's tons of people that have done these things, and I've had so many miracles since then because I believe in it. And people talk about you have to see it to believe it. It's actually you have to believe it to see it. And that is one of the things that I help with my clients is to believe something before they see it, to bring it into fruition. And. And, you know, I'm going to come back to the part about my healing was I didn't even tell my story for the longest time because I had shame and guilt, which is a very low vibration about that. That and because of some things that happen around that. So I, Jack Canfield, convinced me to come out with my story, and he kept saying, Kelly, it doesn't matter that you've worked with celebrities and that you're doing all of this incredible stuff.
Callie Kares:
He goes, you can help so many more people by coming out with this story, and I refused. He had to call me twice to convince me. So again, I had to do some healing around it. And I literally said, oh, I'm already healed. But coming out with my story actually brought me to a whole new level. And then also I got and now being a bestselling author with Neale, Donald Walsch and Lisa Nichols and all these top luminaries, um, and being, you know, with them that it's really I am helping so many more people than if I was just doing my, you know, my wellness company in British Columbia. I mean, now it's global. I mean, people, you know, it's a global movement that I'm that I'm on now.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, well that's beautiful, and I'm sure that was a lot we could talk about in terms of the path you you trod upon to heal emotionally. Um, though, let's let's take for a second what you just said about the shame. Right. And and we could, I'm sure, talk a lot about that and why that would be and all of that. But let's let's leave that aside for now, even though that's all interesting. Just how did you how did you overcome that? Right. Um, how did you let go of the shame in order to step forward more?
Callie Kares:
That's a great question. So it is definitely the layers of the onion definitely there. But the one really important thing that I needed to do was realize that I had some belief systems going on in behind, that. I didn't realize that I had those tapes going and that I was being influenced by, um, the dysfunctional family that I grew up in and I, and that I was carrying those things. So once I had the awareness, which awareness is the first step, once I had the awareness of that, then I could unpeel those those layers of what? Where did I pick this up from, what is going on, what is my belief system? And that, you know, that's a process to do.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, well, that that makes sense. And, um, it doesn't happen overnight necessarily. Interestingly, though, in that you had that physical, miraculous experience that was kind of overnight and and it'll rewind for a moment. I love what you said earlier. And we could talk for hours about this too, about the spiritual nature. And if we tap into that, you know, and I would say anyone does have the possibility of healing from paralysis, right, of recovery. That said, I'll be careful. And I don't know if this is part of why you said it, because I would hate for anybody who's struggling with that to then blame themselves for not having healed it yet. Um, but I remember my my breathwork teacher years ago when I first started in this all the way back in 1996, she said, she said, you know, what we're doing here is, um, spiritual healing. And I remember I was like, new to the spiritual new agey world at the time. And I was like, oh, don't say that. Spiritual healing. That just sounds so airy fairy to me. But, you know, and as I've gone on, I've grown to realize, like, oh, yeah, that is what we are doing. And that's the most powerful thing available. So what's, you know, now that you've had this amazing journey of, like, this miraculous physical healing, this I don't know if I would say arduous but lengthy process to heal emotionally. Peeling back the onion. Um, what what's what do you do now in, you know, like, what are your kind of routines? How do you keep yourself so vibrant and beautiful and alive? What what are the practices you find most important?
Callie Kares:
Um. Thank you. Uh, and I want to acknowledge what you were just saying, that you're absolutely right that spiritual healing is so vitally important. Because if we are connected to our spirituality, and that is the. And that's the my answer is, um, I radiate on the outside because I radiate on the inside. I remember as a little little girl singing this song about this little light of mine. I got to let it shine, and we are all in charge of keeping that light inside of us lit. And so that is my number one. Um, my number one mission is to make sure because when I can keep my light shining, then I can shine that for others. And it only takes one candle to light a room. So if the, if um, that that's basically everything. So literally when I put my feet on the floor in the morning, I my mantra is how can I make the world a better place? And it always starts with me. And then at night it's the exact same thing as how could I have done a better job of doing, uh, doing what I did today? And then I'd have basically, I have a review of what I went through the day, and then it's like, oh, you might have missed, you might have missed this, or somebody said something like that and you didn't acknowledge them and they weren't seen because you were too busy, blah, blah, blah. And so that's I mean, that is my number one mission is to keep my light bright. And that's what I empower my clients to do and my communities and whether whether it's if I'm just doing a community volunteering or, um, event or on whatever stage I'm on, that's what I, I always make sure that people understand that connecting to your light and keeping your light bright is our number one duty. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Daniel Aaron:
Beautiful. That's 100% with you. Um, and, uh, I love that song so much. I remember singing it to my daughter as a lullaby when she was a little girl. And. So what do you. You work with a lot of people. What's. Let's say, you know, what are the top ways that you advise people in terms of how to keep that light bright? What? You know, where does the rubber meet the road, so to speak, and how to do that?
Callie Kares:
Right. Well, since I've been here in Hawaii, now, the invitation is to be is my Hawaii retreats and to come and and experience this. As you know, Hawaii is an incredible vortex where it can really support the healing and feel like the aloha spirit. And so that is my latest offerings. And then the people that can't make it to Hawaii, then I have them, um, as clients that the first thing that we go into is we look into what, what is what's their blocks and what what and like again, it's unpeeling everything. And luckily the intuition part, because that's what kind of sets me aside is I'm not just following some kind of book that, you know, or some kind of process that, but it's it's a process that I have brought together of how to tap into yourself and into your intuition. And then I teach people rather teach them to, um, like, instead of me fishing for them. I teach them how to fish so that they can go into their their into their bodies and into their belief systems and figure out what we need to lift up and release energetically and bring them into their solidness, into their spiritual. Genius and and their genius, professionally and professionally and personally. And so that's why I work with spiritually minded people and, you know, lots of other people. Um, have come to me and they said, well, I don't believe in God. Can I work? Can I not work with you and or can I work with you? And and I said, well, what who do you believe in or what do you believe in? And they're like, I have no belief system. I'm like, I'm not the one to be working with. I wish you the best, but I need to have like, it's just that's that's my jam. And and I don't know how to do it any different, but to really empower people to understand, you know, I'll have a conversation with them and see if I can bring them to the water and then they'll drink the water. But if they're not going to drink the water and believe that they're spiritual being and that that they're there's life after death and that if, if that's if that's not there, then I wish them well and I really put them. I'm very selective with who I work with.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. So I know there was a time in my life when intuition, uh, felt like, uh, something inaccessible to me. Right. And and I imagine that's the case for a lot of people. Um, and I think I've read somewhere that you've written like that. Everybody actually could have access to their intuition. Right? That it's it's an installed it's it's part of the factory system for this human spirit body mind thing. So how you know, what can we do if we're out of touch with intuition or if we don't trust it, you know, can you teach us more right now about how to access it? Yeah.
Callie Kares:
You're absolutely right that everybody has the innate wisdom and that all they have to do is, is turn down the static and tune into their intuition. We all have to have it. We've been all born with it. We all have had experiences where we know that the phone's going to ring, or we think about somebody and and then they call and it's actually because because, you know, we're already tuned into it and I call it the real world Wide Web is, you know, we have yes, we have it at our fingertips. Um, the, you know, the but the real world wide Web is the connected cosmos is the connection that we're all one and that and that we can connect into our intuition as well. So things to do to tune, tune down the static and tune into. So you mentioned one and that's and I also uh, as well as a breathwork facilitator, breathwork is so important and grounding is another thing. And really spending time in nature. And that's what's so incredible like with us living in Hawaii, right? We have nature all around us, and I mean listening to the birds singing out through the the window right now and looking at the blue skies and the palm trees swaying in the, in the breeze and and the ocean. So ocean clears us and cleanses us and, you know, having fresh air, getting out into nature that's so important. There's so many people right now that are especially because of Covid, they changed. They're in the pandemic, changed the way that they're living, that they're in front of their computer all the time. They're in the house, and they haven't broken free from returning back into nature and returning back into our true nature. So that is really vitally important to be into our natural selves, which is to be an intuitive person. That's what that's what. And it's been for I mean, for eons, we've there's been stories of how this was normal until technology came around and we started to rely on technology instead of the innate wisdom that we have inside of us.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, yeah. Beautiful. So I'm with you, and it makes sense to me personally, because I grew up very much in a, uh, in that era of, uh, better living through science. And my family had, you know, very little exercise, no connection to nature. And so I grew up as a kid, uh, insulated from those joys. And what and as you say that, I'm like, yeah, you know what? That's when my intuition started to come alive is when I started becoming more at home in my body, and I started being in nature more, um, so and I'm curious if you've thought about this because you said this cool thing about the real world Wide Web, right? Which obviously preexists the modern internet. Internet. Right. Um, what do you think, though, if anything, what's the why is humanity developing this technology? Right, right now that parallels something that we have innately. Is that something you've considered?
Callie Kares:
You know, I can't answer that. But I can tell you this, that when you are connected into the real world wide Web, you get answers, you get you get downloads of information like that's that leads us into and it's not just me. My clients. Like synchronicities happen, opportunities for business happen, opportunities for personal, personal lives, whether it's relationships, um, of all sort, whether romantic or, you know, just personal or professional. Um, but that's how I actually got to Hawaii here, because in 2019, five months before anybody knew about the pandemic, I got an intuitive, clear message that the world was going to shut down and to get to Hawaii because the world was shutting down. And nobody told me that. It came to me like, literally, I woke up and that's what I heard. You have to get to Hawaii. The world is going to shut down. And then because I have, I've developed mine. I had a two way conversation and I'm like, is there an asteroid going to happen? Like, like is like what's going on? And they're like, no, it's not an asteroid. And I'm like, it's a natural disaster. They're like, no. And and and then I'm like, okay, so what is it? And they're like, just get to Hawaii. So I received that. That was in October of 2019. I arrived in December of 2019. And as we know, in February the world started shutting down. And I stayed and here and was here to instead of, um, back in Canada, where I'm originally from and originally born.
Daniel Aaron:
Hmm. Beautiful. Well, what? As you say that. What reminds me of one of my favorite quotations from Lazarus says, if you can hear the whispers, you don't need to hear the screams. Right. And I think about there's a great, so many great stories of animals, you know, non-human animals, I should say, who feel an impending natural disaster. Right. Like the famous one was that, uh, tsunami that happened in Asia. When was that, like 20 years ago. Something like that. Right. And all these animals that, you know, sensed it coming and ran up ground before it happened? Um, you know, you think it's similar to that for us 100%.
Callie Kares:
And let's just even go back to before colonialism happened here in North America, they the the hunters and I'm a vegetarian myself, but, uh, but, uh, the hunters would know would sense when the animals were there. And when I did my Outward Bound, I knew that there was a bear around the corner before we went around the corner. And I stopped the group. It was, um, um, Outward Bound, uh, a woman's group of, uh, there was 13 of us out there, and I knew one of the women, um, was afraid of bears. So I stopped her, and I and I, I just told her, I said, and she's like, how do you know? And I'm like, I just know, I just know. So that's why, um. Okay, so the be coming back to being shot really made me want to be be really connected to my innate wisdom even more because I had that trauma. So it made me become an expert to be able to teach others how to do it as well. So. And yes, I am like one of the top, like maybe 1% of when it comes to intuition where I can get those kind of messages, but I can get my clients up to that as well, like, you know, very close to it where they're saying, I was, I was said that, you know, I had to go to the post office today and I got to the post office and I didn't have anything to mail, but I got to the post office, and I ran into my new client, and I just landed myself this, this client, because we were standing in line and started talking. Da da da da da. Right. So it's it's really our intuition when, um. When we, when we trust it, when we develop it, when we use it, it can enhance all parts of our life, all parts of our life.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Beautiful. All right, well, I'm 100% with you on that. Kelly makes a lot of sense, and I think that's a perfect transition. We got a question. Come in. And even though I don't usually, uh, seem to notice all the comments and questions, but we got this question from Tony which says, if I can't identify a blockage from my past, can you help me identify it and address it? So, um, you know, what do you what do you think about that? Can you give any response?
Callie Kares:
Yes. The answer is yes. And that we all have blockages. All of us, including myself, I have blockages around the certain things. And and so what we do is when again when we. So thank you, Tony, for that question. And so when we again tune out the static and then tune in and, and then it, it will bubble up. We just have to take the time and the intention. And it is really about intention setting our intention to be our best selves. And things will come up and it may not. And there's always blocks. There's always blocks. We all we have so many things. And I've taught this in through neuroscience and like from studying the brain, from studying our bodies. And so basically when we're contracted then things can't flow. But when we open up the contraction and expand, then that's when things can come through. And then and we give time and then we'll be able to be able to address those types of things. And clarity is key and clarity will come. So thank you for that question. That was a great, great thing to to to pop on and address.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Cool. Okay. So you've had some amazing experiences and you've really overcome a lot. Callie. Um, where where is it going for you? Like what? You know, we're here. We are at the beginning of a new year. What? Um, what's your vision for yourself? What are you. What are you growing into?
Callie Kares:
Well, I am holding some retreats here in Hawaii so that those are. That is that is really. I'm excited about it because, um, and I'm going to come out publicly today with, with you where I haven't really talked about this with I've only talked about this behind closed doors with my VIP clients. I actually haven't come out publicly with this, but the vortexes, that and the activations, the and the from the quantum field. And so that's why it's like usually publicly I don't talk about the quantum field. I wait until I really um, it's kind of my, my elite clients that I work with, but with, with the, with the regular VIP, like the regular retreats that I'm doing here, I'm bringing the vortex energy into them and the quantum energy to them here that I have never done before. And so it's really exciting because I had a trial retreat and with some people and had incredible results where they were activated and lit up, where their whole life has been changed. Like they just see like life differently with a whole set of different vision and glasses, basically because of the activations. So, so working with the quantum codes. And so that's really big to bring that to the masses. And then the second thing is I'm actually bringing on, um, one on one clients again into my, um, Ascension Healing Academy, which is a six month commitment. And, and it's been a while since I've taken on a six month commitment clients. But I'm doing that. So I'm really excited about that because that's basically training the trainer and and then and certification course and that's been it's been it's been a minute since I did that because I had my retreat center before and I was, um, on Saltspring Island and now and so now I feel like I'm ready to do that again. And that also includes retreats here in Hawaii, so they don't have to be here with me. But it does include coming to be in the vortex and in the activations of of what's going on here. And if if I didn't mention it, I think I haven't mentioned it that when like so I mentioned about the bear. But as an animal whisperer because when you are.
Callie Kares:
To the World Wide Web. The real one. So I have a very special connection with the cetaceans. That means, like the dolphins and the whales, like a very special connection. And so when I shared that with my people and they were just blown away and like I said, their their life now is like, you know, people talk about pre-COVID and post-Covid life. It's like pre pre cetacean activation and post active cetacean activations. So it's completely a whole different realm. And you're everything changes for for you on every level. And I can't get into any more more than that today. But it's special. It's extremely special.
Daniel Aaron:
Mhm. Beautiful. Okay. Well uh anybody would be super lucky to be able to work with you one on one or on a retreat. And so I'm curious though because you know, sometimes like I don't know for me I, I hear so many different terms and then I think, well I use terms in different ways. And so I'm curious to learn more. When you say activation, what does that mean to you. Like what happens and how do you how do you facilitate an activation okay great.
Callie Kares:
Great question. So activations look different for different people. And like how what what happens for them. But I can tell you in general that it is about releasing the blocks and activating the chakra system and working so that they are completely whole because every person, including myself, can get blocks and do get blocks, and then we have to make sure that we are working as an entirety, like holistically, like we talked about a body physically, mentally and emotionally. And so an activation will look different for every single person, but it can affect you in these incredible ways. So whether you're in overwhelm and stressed or, um, whether you're already a leader like an elite leader, it will bring you to the next level. It can improve. Uh, it just improves the way that you show up in life. It improves the way that you see things and feel things. It's it's, uh, it's profound. It's a profound shift from the constrictions to the expansions, and it's instantaneously, like, instantaneous. And then and then and you can take one activation and then another activation, another activation, another activation, and then it really it really brings you back to your. Spiritual self where you can do like people I don't like. A lot of people are using super powers like that. I think it's, you know, that's kind of like, uh, you know, a word that's been used the last few years and but really that and I try to stay away from that word, not to use it, but that's what everybody says. It's like, I feel like I have superpowers now. I have more energy than I've ever had in my life, more than more than when they were a teenager. More than, you know, when top athletes go like, extremely. I've worked with athletes, I've worked with, you know, top performers, celebrities. And they're just like all of a sudden they're just like, I'm I was here and now I'm here. So. And that is and like I said, it looks different for each and every person because it depends on where they're contracted to, where they're going to be opening up. Because I can work with somebody that's incredible shape physically, but they don't have their connection to their spirituality, or I can have somebody that is connected to their spirituality, but they're they're physically, you know, or, or they're having issues with their with their business and they can't they can't get clarity around that. And so when they're activated, all of a sudden they get clarity on and, and they then come to the next level in one of those or all of those places that they're asking to be. And it's again, it's guided intuitively by myself and by them.
Daniel Aaron:
Well, okay, cool. That's that's really helpful. And as you said, that one of the one of the things that came to me is I often think of the, the way of evolution or growth or greater success in life. It's it's as much. Yes, it's good to look forward and to create goals and have aims. But as you said, letting go of the things that are holding us back, like, I love this, uh, imagery of the hot air balloon, you know, and it's like it's nature is to go up. And so when we cut the sandbags and, you know, as you said, it could be right. Beliefs that don't serve us or whatever kind of old patterns. Um, so that makes a lot of sense to me, what you said that often the activation is really just letting go of the thing that's in the way. Am I hearing that right?
Callie Kares:
You're absolutely right. And and most of the time that it's fears, unconscious fears and blocks that people aren't aware of what's going on, they have no idea. And it doesn't really matter where they picked it up. It's just about the fact of letting go of the sandbags so that they can lift to where they want. I love that analogy. So and, um, it's really about taking charge of your life. And I will share this, like you mentioned about intentions and I love we were talking just before the show about your intention about. Exponentially leveling up. And that's that. Literally, it's when you just have a broad intention like that, you your intuition will tell you what you need to work on first so that you can peel and peel and peel and peel and lift and lift and lift and lift. And so, you know, some people hire me, you know, come on. And they're like, oh, I want to do this. And we and they're like, well, why aren't we working on this? But it's because we had to work on this first and then all of a sudden, like, you know, four weeks into it, all of a sudden we're there and they're like, wow. And then all of a sudden it just like that, everything just goes in line and perfectly aligns for everything. So yeah.
Daniel Aaron:
Beautiful. Okay. Well, and you know, as you've been speaking, one of the things that occurs to me and it sounds like some of the people that you work with are leaders unto themselves. And, you know, when I, when I look at what you're doing and where you're going in this next year, what you described looks to me like you're leveling yourself up as a leader. Uh, it's a topic that I'm very interested in. And, uh, you know, I have a a book on spiritual leadership. So what what what is leadership to you? And, like, what makes a great leader?
Callie Kares:
Yes. So leadership is, first of all to be the be the change you want to see. So you need to be the person. So there are so many people that are incongruent and they'll say one thing, but doing another and congruency is just vitally important. And it's important to be to any. I would never ask any one of my clients or anybody to do anything that I haven't done myself. And so the leadership starts with us. And so for us to be the best leader, then we need to be our best selves. And, you know, um, with my clientele, I work with the spiritually minded professionals or, and who are usually pivoting in their life. So and you're you have your astrology background. So a lot of times pivoting happens like around the age 28 and again at Saturn return, right. And again, a 56 Saturn return. And people make big, different, big changes. But it could also come in between where they lose a job. You know, they've been working for a fortune 500 company, um, or a big company. And then all of a sudden they get let go and they're just like, they don't know where to go because they're just in overwhelm. And then that's where they hire me to, to let them see all their opportunities of the open doors and open windows when one door shuts. And so it leadership always starts with ourselves.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Beautiful. Okay. And what, you know, since you do work with leaders and you are a leader, what would you say are the most important qualities? What do you cultivate for yourself or what do you help your clients cultivate in terms of leadership?
Callie Kares:
Well, part of the whole congruency is about integrity and we need to be integrity to ourselves first. And to me, integrity includes truth. And so I will come back to my story. When Jack Canfield was trying to get me to to come up with my story, and even my closest friends didn't know my story, like I had to call them before it was came out in the book and tell them, and they didn't believe me. They're like, what it's like. It's not that we don't believe you as, but you're just so vibrant and you move and you're like, athletic. How could this be true? And then, you know, and so but my point is, is that, um. Jack Canfield told me to come out with this, and I thought that I was healed around around it, but I was fooling myself. I wasn't healed, I had another layer and, and and then I went through it. And by writing my story, I actually went through a whole different level of healing and also being later different times in our lives sometimes, like, you know, our body, this is this is the big thing a lot of people don't understand. Change is scary. And we are. We want to stay in a safe place, and our body does a really great job of trying to keep us safe. But sometimes it doesn't know the fact that it can be safe and have change. And so that's why part of the whole healing process is about making a safe container so people can expand outside of their comfort zone. And the safe container is so important. So it's also that's what leaders need to do is have a safe container for their their group that they're leading. Whether whether it's their team of whatever level, whether you're leading your family or leading a team of 5000 at as a CEO, it's about building safety and build and being in and being integrous and being congruent. And those to me are the top three things safety, congruency and integrity.
Daniel Aaron:
Mm. Nice. Beautiful. Well, and you said something quite, uh, important. And it's in some way it's something, you know, so many people in our world, personal spiritual development say often. I'm curious, though, what it means for you and how you work with it, which was something around the importance of being able to go outside of comfort, right? To be comfortable in the discomfort. Or sometimes people say, you know, life begins where your comfort zone ends. So how do you deal with that? Because, you know, one of the things I hear from you is you're you're continuing, you know, you're not saying, well, I got it all figured out. I'm totally done. Right? You're you're process is continuing and evolving. So how do you work with going beyond your comfort zone? What does that look like for you?
Callie Kares:
Hmm. Well, just so that's funny because just a few weeks ago, I did an ice bath, which I thought I said forever. I've been saying that I would never I'm like, you guys are crazy. You can do it. I don't need to do it. Whatever. And it just came to me that I needed to do it. And then and I actually was videotaped on it and they said, and I didn't know that, that usually an ice bath is like three minutes max. And I got into the ice bath and I was literally shaking and convulsing. And then I just went into my Wim Hof breathing and everything, and then I went into into a mantra and it can actually see it on my Facebook page where I just channeled, I said, I am a whale in, in, um, in Alaska right now. And I stayed for six minutes. They said that I basically broke the the they don't know anybody that did six minutes on their very first, their very first ice bath. And I just went I went into this place of, of serenity and I all my serotonins and all of these beautiful endorphins. And I was just like, I'm loving this. And so it's like, whatever opportunity shows up to me, I check in with myself, see, is this something that's best for my body, mind and spirit? And then if it is, then I say yes.
Daniel Aaron:
Well that's beautiful. Okay. So. Yeah. And that's I'm glad you brought up the ice bath. The ice bath thing because that's such a it's growing in popularity. Right. Uh, a lot of people do it. And people ask me because I do a daily ice bath myself, and, um, and I, I love it, but I remember back when I first learned of this, and like you, I was studying some Wim Hof material years ago, and, and he does this great approach where he says, you know, gradually go into more and more discomfort, more and more cold. And, and I had been okay, well, so no problem. I can have a hot shower and then turn it to cold. Then he said, okay, next level is you. You go in, you start with with the shower cold. And at the time I was living in New England. So it was, it was pretty cold. I was like, okay, I can do that, I can do that. And then he said, okay, next level is you go into the cold and you enjoy it, right? You, you enjoy your shower as if it was the hot, luxurious shower. And I remember when he said that when I, when I heard that, you know, this was like on a video course and I heard that and I was like, no way. That is impossible. I was so mad, right? I had just like internal reaction. And, you know, I was like, I just but it's so amazing, right? When we we go to that edge and we say, that's not possible. That's not possible. And somehow it becomes possible. So what? What occurred for you after having, you know, after all this time, like, are you guys do that? You're crazy with that ice bath thing. Then you did it and you had this, you know, really long experience of it. What? What now is possible for you? That wasn't before.
Callie Kares:
Well, I did my second bath. Um, so I just, I really believe that what it was for me was it just showed me that I was it was like a precipice for me to be, to pivot, to say, okay. This is something I've been resisting. If I'm resisting it and it persists, it's been like that. It kept presenting itself and then. So that's why I tuned in to myself. And I went, this is something I need to do. I need to prove it to myself. And I did. And so it's just. How? I just want there's really people have things presented to themselves all the time. And when it's when it's redundantly presenting itself, it really is a message. And that's about being tuned into the message. And that's why I kept saying, well, I keep getting invited, I keep getting invited, and I'm doing them. So it must be something for me. So I really felt that it was like going, okay, I did it and now and it just makes you it's like, bring it up, bring it on world like, I'm I'm ready, I'm here, I'm I'm open, I'm next level. And you know, and that's what we want to do. We want to go up those rungs of the, of the ladder. And so for me that was one because it was, it was persistently I mean, I have never liked the cold ever ever. And now I do. So you know.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Beautiful. All right. Well, uh, Callie, we are. Unfortunately, we're cruising along close to our timeline. So, um, I'm sure our viewers, our listeners, um, some of them are going to want to get in touch with you and get some of that Kali juju. What's the best way for people to to find you and reach out to you?
Callie Kares:
Well, I have the I have the free miracle manifestation method.com is there is a free, um, the um, meditation that they can sign up for and get that from me. And so that would be a great way. And then they get to have some of my juju. It's a four minute and 44 second meditation, Golden key meditation. And um, and then they can they can have that as a free gift. And um, if they want more than that, then, well, then they'll, then they'll be, they can be contacted me through that or at Kali at Kali cares. Com but then I always like giving away the free gifts. So.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Beautiful. Okay, so. And you said miracle manifestation method, right? Yeah. So that's, uh, let's just make it clear in case anyone's listening. Not watching. Am I r a c l e and then m a n I f e s t a t I o n m e t h o d.com. Miracle manifestation method. It's the triple m after the triple w, I like it. There's a lot of cool shapes going on.
Callie Kares:
Yeah thank you. Yes. And it's about fun too, right?
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. You know, if it's not fun, we might be missing the boat. One of my teachers used to, um, poke fun at me sometimes, and I would get uptight when I was contracted or in the midst of something. And he would he would just look at me and go. It's not that serious, you know? Yeah. Thank you, thank you. Good reminder. I forget sometimes infected by the deadly disease of seriousness.
Callie Kares:
Right? Levity is so important. And for people, you know, we were talking about, you know, getting out into nature. And if you watch nature, it's so much fun. I mean, watching the birds, whether they're trying to mate or cooing or whatever's going on and, you know, and the little and the animals, it's just it's just they know how to have fun. And so did the dolphins and the whales, too. So.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, I'm with you. Okay. Well, then I think that might bring us around to my last question for you, which is the big question. The final question. It's the impossible question because you've got so much experience, right. You've had such an amazing journey. There's so much that you share with people. Um, so it's an impossible question because I'm going to ask you to narrow that down way too small. Um, yet since you can't go wrong, you'll definitely get it right also. So the big question, Kelly, is if you take all of this that you've experienced and you were to boil it down to one thing to say to our audience, one thing that would help them to create their most vibrant, thriving life. What's the one thing?
Callie Kares:
Well, I have to come back then to the. What I talked about extensively is connecting to their the spirituality, connecting to their spirit within them as a spiritual being. Because when you are connected to that, like everything's available, everything is available. So that to me it's just that is the number one key is being connected to our spirit and when and then everything is just gravy after that.
Daniel Aaron:
Yeah. Beautiful. I'm with you on that. And it's to me that's like I don't use the word spiritual practice so much anymore because because it has all these different meanings to different people. Though to me, one of the most important parts. No, actually, I would say the most important part of every day for me is what could be called spiritual practice, or just the time that is about connecting and remembering. Because so much of our daily life is under the illusion that we are these physical machines, and all this physical stuff is what's most real. So I love that response.
Callie Kares:
Yes, yes, and I agree with you. It is about remembering who we are and our true nature. You know, I talked about nature and it's like our true nature is to be to be connected to that. So that is 100%. We're we're on the same page, brother. We're on the same page.
Daniel Aaron:
Right on. Well, Callie, thank you so much for not just for, you know, investing this time with us and sharing your great energy and wisdom, but also for all that you've done, all that you've overcome in yourself to develop the the power and the wisdom and the experience, the credibility that allows you to be such a light in the world and to be helping so many people. I really appreciate it, and I'm grateful that you've been with us here.
Callie Kares:
Oh, thank you so much. And and dittos right back to you all the work that you're doing. And thank you for this, having this incredible platform to feature us. You know, that is just a beautiful thing. I know it takes a lot of work and and I really am truly grateful from the bottom of my heart for our time together and for the work that you're doing. And I have shared, I've shared to many people about you. So you're going to be getting hearing some from some other great luminaries saying, hey, I want to get on his show too, because I do have I have a whole network of them.
Daniel Aaron:
So beautiful. Awesome. Well, thank you for that. And y'all who are watching, listening, whether it's live or by rebroadcast, my biggest thanks is to you because not only are you interested in creating a vibrant, thriving life, you're doing something about it, right? I love you, I love that you are doing that. I love that you have the courage, the commitment to something more. Again, my my request, my imploring of you is to take at least one thing from the show and go, I'm going to put that into practice in my life again. Reach out if you would like to connect. If you'd like. Support. Thank you again for being here. Please, please, please do everything to make your life a masterpiece and tune in again. We have another amazing show coming up really soon. Thanks, y'all! Aloha! Mahalo for tuning in to the Art of Vibrant Living show y'all! I'm Daniel Aaron and may you live with great vibrancy.
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Callie Kares
Callie Kares is an internationally known luminary, Core Belief Engineer, and the founder of Life Enhancement Hawaii and Ascension Healing Academy. Callie is dedicated to helping people tap into their number one innate asset - their intuition. Callie’s clients say she is a force of nature in the world of Personal Development. Over the last 20 years Callie merged consciousness, neuroscience, and healing energetics to train tens of thousands of people to strengthen their minds into their next level self. Change is inevitable and Callie connects her clients to navigate their inner compass in our ever changing world to attain their full potential both personally and professionally.
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