Special Guest Expert - Joel Salomon

Special Guest Expert - Joel Salomon: Video automatically transcribed by Sonix

Special Guest Expert - Joel Salomon: this mp4 video file was automatically transcribed by Sonix with the best speech-to-text algorithms. This transcript may contain errors.

Daniel Aaron:
What does it take to create a vibrant, thriving life? First, the sad news is that Thoreau was right. Most people are leading quiet lives of desperation, lacking in meaning, fulfillment, and vitality. But we choose more. We choose to create extraordinary lives and the art of vibrant living. Show entertains you with inspiration, empowerment and education to create your life into a masterpiece. It's time. Let's vibe up. Aloha, y'all. Welcome to the show. I am Daniel Aaron, your host. This is the Art of Vibrant Living show, which means quirky enough. As the title would suggest, this show is all about entertaining, empowering, and inspiring you to create your life into a masterpiece. And we have an awesome, amazing show today. Incredible guest. I'm so excited to share with y'all! I'll introduce them a little more in a moment. First of all, what's what's the purpose of this show? Why does anybody care? Because if you're here, I know that you're not only interested in it, you're dedicated to creating your life into a masterpiece, to having a vibrant, thriving, extraordinary life. And the thing is, it does not tend to happen by accident. We all have conditioning. The world is full of stimulus and stimulation that suggests gravity pulling us down. There are forces that pull us back operating all the time. So for us to create a life of vibrancy, it means we need education, we need empowerment, and then we need to take action. And that's what this show is all about, is giving you the mindset, the tools and the information and the inspiration to launch yourself into an even better, more amazing life. That, my friends, includes your financial life and whether you call it prosperity, abundance, wealth, financial ease, security, all of these things are related and important. And I love this topic because for so much of my own life, even though I had a great sense of abundance from when I was in my mid 20s, I learned about spiritual prosperity. I hadn't really learned about money and financial stewardship until not that many years ago, and I learned it through some pain. And one of the things I have found is so many people that are in the spiritual world and physical health, spiritual health may be doing really well, often lacking in the financial health.

Daniel Aaron:
And that is a crying shame, right? One of my favorite quotations is that. A there's nothing sadder than a broke philanthropist. In the same way, there's nothing sadder than people that have great hearts and values who are not contributing to the world, not living in the vibrancy that they could be because they are struggling on the financial and survival levels. So our guest today, Joel Solomon, is an amazing, amazing dude. He is a finance and mindful money expert and master prosperity coach, and he helps others overcome obstacles that are in the way of their financial freedom. Right? So valuable. He's an award winning TEDx speaker, workshop facilitator, and frequent television and podcast guest who's been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, US News World Report, and interviewed in Forbes and on Bloomberg Radio. He's got an amazing personal experience with finance. He's done some phenomenal things in the big leagues of the finance world, and in some ways he's left a lot of that behind. He's taken the lessons with him to become someone that's empowering people like you and me. I could say a lot more, but you know what? Let's hear directly from Joel, because that's why he is here. That's why we are here to hear from Joel. Thank you so much for being with us on the show today, Joel. Awesome to have you here.

Joel Salomon:
It is an extreme honor and pleasure, Daniel, to be here with you today. Thank you so much for having me. I am really excited.

Daniel Aaron:
Right on. Well, it's, you know, as you might have heard in what I just said, it's like it's such an important topic and it's one that so many people struggle with and, and, and maybe we'll get into some more of why that is. And I have my own experience and philosophies on it. But first let's, let's hear, you know, a little bit, I have the advantage of having heard your Ted talk and knowing a bit about your journey, though for the people in our audience that don't know about that, what what would you share with them that's will help them to understand better what the value that you've got to share today.

Joel Salomon:
Oh, great. Great question. I started my career as an actuary, and you may know the difference between an actuary and an accountant. Daniel, an actuary, looks at his feet when he talks to you. An accountant looks at your feet when they talk to you. That was a joke. But I did work at an insurance company for almost eight years, calculating the premium you had to pay for your life insurance and disability insurance policy. And actuaries calculate premiums for different insurance products. And while I was doing that and going through all the exams you see over my head here. Fsa stands for fellow of the Society of Actuaries. So I am certified to sign financial statements of insurance companies. While doing that, I realized that wasn't my passion. And I teach people now to do their passion. And I truly believe that if you're doing your passion and your purpose, you will be more prosperous and more abundant. And in fact, I'm writing a book right now with a purpose coach called Purpose and Prosperity. So I wasn't doing my purpose, and I thought my purpose was being an investor, being a money manager. But when I reached out to those money managers on Wall Street, they gave me doubt, massive doubt, a ton of rejection. They said, Joel, stay as an actuary. You can't do this. And I teach my clients now. Hashtag. Doubt the doubt. Have faith in your dream. Don't have faith in your doubt. And I knew that intuitively way back then, 30 years ago. And so I finally found one money manager who gave me his path. And I followed it kind of in order to become a money manager. And in 2008, I started working at Citi as a hedge fund manager, managing $300 million for the bank. And you may remember 2008. I know you're quite young, Daniel, but you may remember 2008 was not the best year in the stock market. The market was down 40%. Financial companies. The only stocks that I was invested in were down 57%. And we managed to make a little bit of money that year for the shareholders of the bank, and then the next year was better, and the next year was even better.

Joel Salomon:
And to be open with you, I might still be there today if there was wasn't a law that passed that said banks can't own hedge funds. So we were all laid off. Which actually gave me the kick in the butt to start my own fund, which actually was my true dream. And I started my own hedge fund, Salimor Capital, which, by the way, my company name, Salimor, is named after my daughters Lauren and Morgan. Laura for Lauren, more for Morgan. They were just born yesterday, but they are 19 and 17. And so I started my own hedge fund and that was the dream. And I was. So I was living my dream, smiling broadly every morning when I got up. And so happy to be living that dream that I had for so many years. And something unusual happened. I went to a personal development course in December of 2015, and I'll just tell you one of the two major things that happened. One was that we had a guest speaker speaking for one hour. In this three and a half day conference about stocks and stock options. And when he spoke about options in particular, he made it sound easy. He said, you don't need much time. You don't need much money. This is how the rich people get rich. And options are essentially risk free. And I was sick to my stomach. I had people tap me on the shoulder. Whisper me Joel. Does this make sense? So after he was done, we went out of the auditorium. I told him, please don't do this. He has no idea about any of you individually, and most importantly, no idea about your belief that you can become rich using options. I went home that night and I couldn't sleep. Probably it was 430 in the morning. I jumped out of bed. I quickly got dressed. I was at my office in midtown Manhattan before the sun rose, and I sent an email to my investors telling them I'm giving them their money back. I'm shutting down my fund. I figured out my true purpose in life to help people become financially free, to be authentic and tell them the truth about money and not lie to them.

Joel Salomon:
Because I truly believe in my heart of hearts that everyone's an individual and everyone can become rich. But it might be different. For each of you who are watching right now, it could be through your business, it could be through options, but it could be through stocks or real estate, or maybe through having your own live podcast and getting people to subscribe and then getting advertisers. You're just there's so many different ways to become rich. And so that's what I teach, is I empower people to know that they can become rich, financially free by doing their purpose and being passionate about it.

Daniel Aaron:
That's amazing. Amazing what you're doing and the the positivity and empowerment of that message. And also amazing to, you know, for you to have stepped into that world in such a big way right in 2008. And, and you know, when I, when I heard you say that earlier, I was like, oh my goodness, like that, you know, you would think that would just be the most horrible time ever. Like our associations back to that time. Yet amazingly, it didn't become that for you. And I'm sure that a lot of that had to do with your own mindset and the way you were working with it. And I love what you said about, I mean, you were you were kind about it, I think when, when, when you're in that seminar and the guys saying, oh, it's, you know, no risks to do options and, you know, like, like if I had been there, I would have been like, you know, so angry like that just seems criminal to me. And and maybe was, I don't know, but but the thing that you brought forward was so powerful to, to the people that were asking your counsel on it is like does not know you. Right? And that's such an important part of this because one's financial life. What I've learned, and I'm curious to hear your perspective on this one's financial life is as personal and individual as one's spiritual life, as one's physical health. It's all unique to us. And one of the big problems that I see in this realm is people abdicate responsibility here. They say, oh, you know, somebody in a lab coat or wearing beads or it's got some hat on or, you know, speaks financial ease. They're the expert. I don't know anything. I can't trust myself. So. You know, and I'll tell you after maybe my, my experience of how that switched for me. But does that make sense to you? Do you run into that kind of issue with people?

Joel Salomon:
A lot of people spend their life blaming other people for their life. And I take full responsibility for my life. All aspects. I've been divorced twice and I chose the women and I made the decision. So I take full responsibility for all aspects of my life, and I will require my clients to do the same. And so yes, I've made mistakes. In fact, in my TEDx speech How to Create Money Miracles, I talked about how I lost $600,000 in one day. That was painful. That was very painful. But I didn't stop investing. I took a responsibility for it. And I decided, how can I change? So I think it's really important for people who are watching to know in their heart of hearts that they have to take responsibility for their life, because that's the only way you can change. If you're not, if you're blaming other people, then you're going to you can blame them the rest of your life and you're not going to change yourself. So and like you said, Daniel, everyone's coming from a different perspective. We were taught things growing up about money, and I ask all my clients about their relationship with money growing up. What's their first money memory? What about their parents? What did they learn from their parents? Because we were taught things either through osmosis or through speech that may or may not be serving us today, 20, 30, 50 years later. And knowing that and being aware of it and knowing that you can change is really important. You have certain beliefs about money, whether you know it or not. You know, I was taught growing up, we can't afford that. Money doesn't grow on trees. That's too expensive. My dad used to scream at me if I left the light on in my room. Joel, we're not a shareholder of Long Island Lighting Company. Shut that light off. And I think people can relate to this. Right. It's that is what's called I call poverty consciousness or lack or scarcity. It's not true. You know it, Daniel. It's not true. It's there's so much abundance and prosperity on this earth.

Joel Salomon:
And it's not just money. Right. The amount of drops of water in the ocean, the amount of blades of grass, the amount of solar energy coming from the sun is almost infinite. Right. And so there's so much abundance here. And if you truly know that in your heart of hearts, then operating from that lack and poverty consciousness is not serving you. You may have been taught it, but there are ways to learn new things about money that will allow you to prosper. And I think, like you said in the opening, there are a lot of spiritual people who have been taught that it's not right to be rich. And I will work with you and for the rest of my life to to know, to have them know that that's not true. Because how great would it be if you were $10 million and you could give $1 million away to your favorite charity, even start your favorite charity, or give food and and clothing and shelter and water to those in need. There are billions of people around the world who need our help. And so knowing that, why wouldn't you want to become rich and help them? You can serve from a place of poverty, as you said, right? If you're in need, it's really hard to give to others. Although what I teach my clients, by the way, in rule number six, in the nine money rules, Millionaire millionaires use is giving. And I tell my clients, when you're feeling most lack and most poverty conscious give. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but it works on your mindset. You're subconsciously telling yourself, I have plenty to spare and share. And by the way, anyone who's watching this is living the dream life of 90 to 99% of the world. There are billions of people who would love to just switch places with you for one day, and they would be ecstatic. So know that and so know when you're feeling lack of scarcity in a first world country that you can give. And it doesn't even have to be about money. I talk about giving your time or talent to a stranger. You know you have gifts. You could share that with a stranger.

Joel Salomon:
You could even just give a smile to a stranger, and that could completely change their day. That's a gift.

Daniel Aaron:
Beautiful. So nicely said Joel. Thank you. The one of the another one of my favorite quotations that comes to mind, as you say that. Anyone who says money can't buy, happiness hasn't given enough away. Right. And and it's so true what you said there. It's one of the. I don't know, it's like a plague in the spiritual world. All these obstacles or limiting beliefs, you know, and the conditioning, you know, spirituality and money, they don't go together. And vows of poverty and all that. I love the way Wallace Wattles speaks about it. And to me, that's one of my favorite. It's such a great name. It's just fun to say, right? Wallace Wattles like, somebody had a name Wallace Wattles. And for people who don't know, great book, The Science of Getting Rich. And one of the things he says at the beginning really impressed me. And I'm with you. I think there's so many reasons why it's absolutely beneficial to everyone to become wealthy. One of the things he says, though, that I think is really useful for spiritual people, is your responsibility to your creator. Your responsibility as a physical being, a spirit in a physical form is to grow to your potential right to evolve. And you can't do that if you if you can't afford to study, if you can't afford to travel, if you can't afford to have experiences that enrich you and help you grow, and certainly you're far limited, far more limited on what you can offer and give to other people if you are shrinking back instead of growing yourself. So it's such an important lesson. And. I'll say one more thing. And then I got a question for you about this prosperity consciousness component. It's so huge. And I remember really clearly when I first discovered that distinction, I had the first 25 years of my life living in poverty consciousness. I grew up in a lower middle class family and same kind of things, you know, same messages, like your father. We're not a shareholder, you know, and I remember so many stories from my mother and my father and my mother and my father arguing with each other about money.

Daniel Aaron:
And we can't do that. And we can't, you know, so many like, levels of conditioning on that. And then when I was in my mid 20s, I was doing a program in transformational breath, becoming a facilitator. And our teacher said part of your training is you're going to do a spiritual prosperity program. And I didn't even know what it was, but it was so far against my conditioning that I was like, I don't want to do it right. Anyway, it's another story I tell in a different place. But I did it and it changed my life to see wow, I was just invested in this lack. And there is an there's an infinite number of blades of grass and, you know, beams of sunlight and drops in the ocean. Why wouldn't that be true with everything in life, unlimited love. So how do you help people, Joel? When when you know, when people get aware of the poverty consciousness, how do you help them to overcome that and create something different?

Joel Salomon:
Yes. Great question. Thank you Daniel. Before I answer, I do want to point out I have my favorite books on Salliemae.com. It's under Get Inspired and the Science of Getting Rich is one of those by Wallace Wattles. And there's another 20 others that I highly recommend if you're a reader, either. If you like to listen, that's great to do the audio books, but these are all great books to change your mindset. And so that's what I do when people come to me, and there's a lot of spiritual people I work with, and my main type of client is our spiritual entrepreneurs, because a lot of them have this conditioning. So it's creating new conditioning, right? It's creating new beliefs around money. And we. Do various different techniques. One is I give them some affirmations that I ask them to rate them based on their belief level from 1 to 10, where ten is absolute faith and one is massive doubt. And I tell them if they're not a high belief seven, eight, 9 or 10, don't be saying them. Now the affirmation you can say over and over again and it can get into your subconscious, it just make a really it may take a really long time if like for example, one of them is I am an excellent money manager and a lot of my clients have a hard time with that one in the at least in the physical reality that has not been true for them. So what we do is we soften it. As opposed to saying something that they have massive doubt. So that's one way to get to a place where eventually you can say, I am an excellent money manager and truly believe it in your heart of hearts, even if maybe in the physical world right now, it's it doesn't seem to be true, but in the non physical world, the money is flowing to you. The abundance is flowing to you. So that's one way. I also talk a lot about pretending. And if the physical world looks to you like you don't have the abundance that you deserve that you came here to have, then pretend like you do. So what can you do?

Joel Salomon:
Say you want a new car. A brand new blue convertible Maserati GranTurismo that goes from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds and as semi-autonomous, you can go and test drive it. You can go online and find where those cars are available. Pretend that it's about to come into your physical reality. You can do the same thing with a vacation, or a dream house, or a dream partner. I talk about pretending and using vision boards or vision boxes cut out from magazines things and. Places you want to go to. And put it up on a board, and you don't have to stare at it all day. I have three vision boards in my bedroom and I don't ever stare at them. They're in my peripheral vision. They're getting into my subconscious mind, and I've used vision boards and pretending to go to the last 12 countries I've been to in the last three years. Tsw. This stuff works. Or you could use the other S word. It's fine.

Daniel Aaron:
Either way. It works. The way it works. Stays the same. I'm with you. I like it well, and I'm really with you on everything that you shared there. And I've got my own experiences with that. And and I work with my, with clients, my coaching clients in a, in a similar way in looking at what am I creating through my speech, through my beliefs, and what are the doubts or fears or self judgments that could get in the way of that though for now, I want to play Angel's advocate for a moment because, you know, I can hear the voice of some folks say, well, Joel, what do you mean, pretend? Isn't that being in denial? Isn't that not being honest? And, you know, don't I need to be responsible to the situation that I'm in and getting? Wouldn't I get in trouble by that kind of pretense? And I have an idea about that. But just going out on a limb here, guessing you might have heard a thought like that before.

Joel Salomon:
Absolutely. And what I say is that money is energy. Everything is energy. And so if you're focused on what is and what is is not serving you, meaning that you look at your bank account and you don't have abundance there, and you look at it three times a day. What you're doing is you're lowering your vibration, your frequency, your energy. And you can get to abundance, which is up here, and prosperity, which is the same vibration as gratitude and appreciation. And love and joy and passion. If you're down here and you're you're looking at or complaining about your situation, you know, I know you're an expert, Daniel, in the Law of Attraction. So you're if you're complaining all day long, you're going to attract more and more things to complain about. So that's why I recommend pretending. And in getting your vibration around money up so that you can be on the same frequency so that the abundance and prosperity can flow to you. And I'm not saying go into debt to do these things right. There's so many ways you can pretend without spending any money. Like I just talked about test driving a new car or going online and checking out the things you want, or creating a vision board or a vision box. All these things, you know, visualizing I teach actually, rule number four in the nine money rules millionaires use is can visualization make me money? Now, I, as you talked about in the intro to the show, I don't recommend just meditating and visualizing. You have to take action. You have to take inspired action. Get out there into the world and do this at least. At least get on a StreamYard podcast and talk to an expert and get that information out to the world. But visualization is really helpful. Because if you're spending 3 to 5 minutes a day focusing on what you want, that's 3 to 5 minutes. You're not focusing on what you don't want. And we have 75, 50 to 75,000 thoughts a day. For the average person, it's way more than half. That's not positive. So spending five minutes, 3 to 5 minutes a day on visualization. And if you want I can go through the steps which are critical because a lot of people talk about visualization, but they're not doing it properly.

Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, well, I mean. I'd be even more of an idiot to say no to that offer, right? Like. And I think this is. And I'm of course, joking about that because I'm an idiot in many ways, every day in different parts of my life. And I'm a genius in other ways. I am everything, so I'm just being silly with that. Before I get a bunch of comments from people, don't, don't, don't put yourself down. I'm not putting myself down. I love that I have the complexity of a human being, and what I do think of as idiotic is any for any of us to say, oh no, I already know that. Right? And, you know, like somebody who's doing well in life, who's moving toward mastery, has the mindset of mastery is the one who can say, oh, tell me more about that, or let's see, I would love not not like, oh, yeah, I already know that. It's like, how else could I be applying that? How else could I improve my ability to work with and understand that? And I visualize and work with what you're talking about in my life and have for years and 100%. I am eager to learn from you because you've got a perspective and experience that that I don't have. So that would be a great gift for everybody here. So yeah, please bring it on, brother.

Joel Salomon:
So here are the six steps to visualization. The first step is to pick a time. You're going to do it each day. Be consistent. Uh, the second is to pick a place. Now, I wouldn't recommend doing it right in. In bed, right after you wake up. You may fall back to sleep. Or don't do it right before in bed, right before you go to sleep. You may fall asleep. So pick a time. Pick a place outside of your bed. Pick the amount of time. It shouldn't be more than five minutes or so. I wouldn't want you to spend an hours doing this. You want to get out into the world and take the inspired action. Step four is to write down at least three at least three dreams and desires that you can think about consciously while you're visualizing. So and then step. So that's step four. Step 5th May be the most important of the steps, which is from Wayne Dyer's book Wishes Fulfilled. He said make your future dream a present reality by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Make your future dream a present reality by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled. So what he meant was, if you could feel the feeling of that dream or desire before you've actually experienced it in the physical reality, it's going to come really quick. So the feeling part is so essential. And then step six, if you can do it, I have a difficulty with this, but if you can do it, great is to put your self in the picture. Like if you're looking down on yourself as you're driving the blue convertible Maserati GranTurismo for 54 horsepower V8 engine that goes from 0 to 60in 3.8 seconds, then that would be even better. And then here's the bonus step. Step seven is to think beyond the dream. So what does that mean? So you want the Maserati GranTurismo? Don't be picturing yourself buying it or test driving it. Picture yourself in it with your favorite people going 95mph up. I 95 here in the northeast continental US and with a big smile on your face. Maybe you have more hair than I do. Your the hair is blowing in the wind and you're just ecstatic. You're feeling so happy. And. And that's thinking beyond the dream. It's already. You've already got the car. You're already there. It's done. And you're celebrating by driving it. So that's. That's the six plus one bonus step for visualization. I think you're on mute, Daniel.

Daniel Aaron:
Indeed I was. Thank you. It's good though, because I was shouting so loud with so much enthusiasm and excitement about what you shared, because you laid it out so beautifully. And I'm with you. I've. I've seen it my like my in my own experience where I've known about visualization, though for years, done it in ways that are, you know, at best less than effective. So I'll highlight a couple things and echo what you said in there. And one of the biggest ones, I think, and I think this is the biggest opportunity that most people miss is how did you put it number five referencing Wayne Dyer. Right. And I love another title of one of his books is You'll See It When You Believe It. Right. And the but the the key point there is about the feeling aspect of it. And another one of my heroes in this realm is Neville Goddard, and he talks about the secret is in the feeling and what I did for years, and something that I work with my clients on a lot is, you know, it's great to visualize, it's great to make a mood board or a mind movie. However, if we're just doing that as a rote routine over and over again without actually getting into the emotional, I speak of it as emotional rehearsal like practice what it what it's like to feel that and and see if this corresponds with your experience. So what that does is it accelerates the attraction so much more. Right? We're teaching our nervous system. We're teaching our whole being what it's like to feel this. And so that's like a magnet drawing the the circumstances to us. Does that make sense to you.

Joel Salomon:
Absolutely. Completely agree. And that's that's why I was trying to get across is the feeling feeling first manifestation second right. Feeling first, manifestation second. If you could really feel the exact feeling of having the car or the dream house or the dream partner, like really get into that feeling, then it's going to come really quick. And that's why it's rule number four in the nine money rules millionaires use. And this is an essential part of what I teach my clients as well. The mindset piece. You know, this gives you more confidence once you start seeing these things coming into your life. You're raising your confidence, you're raising your belief level. And then the abundance and prosperity will flow even faster.

Daniel Aaron:
Yeah, absolutely. Well, you know, and that's part of why it's so valuable, I think, for people just to be part of a conversation like this and get your experience because something that's come to the forefront in the last few years and Benjamin Hardy and his book, be Be Your Future Self now, really put it well. One of the big obstacles for people is, and you said this in talking about the six plus one guidelines here is it's hard for people to to see the possibility for themselves. Right. And when we're when we're stuck in day to day, how am I going to get through this day, month to month? How am I going to, you know, make this happen? And we're stuck with the limiting thoughts from the past, like, you know, nobody in my family ever got ahead. I'm not a good money manager, you know, and we've got these messages from the past. It's hard to like, just pause for a moment and say, yeah, I'm committed to being wealthy. I'm committed to being free financially. And this is what it's like to, like, just take that, that leap, whatever it is, whether it's a month, a year or ten years, whatever one imagines that it could be. But to place oneself in that future is hard to do for so many people. Yet having a conversation with you, you know, with someone who's like, it's not rocket surgery. You know, there are some guidelines, some rules, some ways of thinking, some action steps to take. Anybody can do it. Clearly, you don't have to be the the wisest, smartest person in the world. I mean, look at some of the people who have become wildly wealthy, right? And clearly anybody can do it. Does that make sense to you, Joel?

Joel Salomon:
Absolutely. And that's a really key point to know that, you know, a lot of people come to me with these limiting beliefs. Well, I'm not really great in math or I don't have the time. And don't I need a ton of time to be a great investor? Don't I have to study for years and years? You know, don't don't I have to have, you know, calculus and higher level math to be a great investor. And rule number two in the nine money rules is trust your intuition. And I'm sure a lot of people who are watching right now have amazing intuition. And I will tell you, as a former hedge fund manager, if I didn't trust my intuition, I either made less money or lost money. And so trusting that intuition is key and everyone has amazing intuition. So it's not, you know, you don't have to be the brain surgeon, the rocket scientist. You know, it's everyone can become rich. The abundance and prosperity on their earth. By the way, it's almost $500 trillion of net worth on this earth right now. 500 trillion. I can't even conceive of that number. And there's only five. There's only 8 billion people on the planet. I mean, there's plenty to go around, plenty to spare and share. And and when people really know that in their heart of hearts that that's when the abundance flows. And so my, my clients, a lot of them who are Reiki masters or meditation teachers or yoga teachers or life coaches or empowerment coaches or even mindset coaches, come to me for help with their money mindset, and some of them have come to me to learn about investing. And I say we will learn investing. But first we need to get the mindset in the right place because otherwise you're going to be buying when you should be selling and selling when you should be buying. And that's really critical. Important. Some people come to me and just want to learn about investing, and I don't do that. Make it clear I don't do that because I need to understand. I will tell you that there's not a person on this planet whose mindset can't improve. No one's 100%. So there's even if we spend a week or two on it, we need to understand where you are first before we get into the investing piece or the business coaching piece, because it's really important to understand everyone's in a different place and some people may need and it's nothing against them, but it's how they were brought up with past experiences. They may need three full months or a year of just money mindset coaching, and there's nothing wrong with that if you're if you become aware. That that's in a year. Why not work on that so that the rest of your life you can be prosperous?

Daniel Aaron:
100%. It's the the the most sound investment anyone can ever make is in themself and in their own mindset. And while these are things that anybody can, can resolve, clear up and advance in on their own is really hard, right? It's really, you know, it's hard to read the label when you're inside the jar. So being with somebody like you who can say, oh, did you hear what you just said? Or oh, isn't that interesting? What that thought was that was there like, because we're we're so steeped in the fishbowl of our own lives, we don't we don't know, you know, and I see it, of course, with, with my own clients. And I see it with myself sometimes where I'm just, you know, cruising along in life and I say something or I think something like, whoa, I can't believe that that's been with me for five decades. I mean, I came across one two months ago that blew me away. It's so powerful and it's so useful. So I want to switch gears for a moment, Joel, because, you know, it's such a great opportunity to talk with someone like you who really gets it on the on the mindset level, on the spiritual level, and has this high level experience financially. And, you know, I was a little bit passionate earlier when you were speaking about what I would have considered that, you know, criminal, negligent advice that you heard at the seminar. And part of how I got to this conversation is, so I told you I had this great experience in my mid 20s abundance, not poverty. Abundance, right? Changed my life. And from that point on, I felt abundant, like I didn't I didn't worry about spending or that there wasn't enough. I got to do what I want, have what I want, travel around the world, create whatever I want. You know, I hadn't gotten to the level where I was like buying jets or any of that kind of thing, but I also didn't want to. That wasn't something that was on my radar at that point. And and then I was doing a bunch of work with Tony Robbins in 2015. And as I was doing a lot of work with him and, you know, going to the next level of my own coaching and my own level of awareness, I came across his massive book called Money Master the Game, and I learned his story with it, which is that he was so pissed off about what happened in 2008, 2009 and how many people were taken advantage of because they were ignorant of what was really going on, that he was really upset about that, and he wanted to empower people.

Daniel Aaron:
Right. So cool. For me, what happened when I read that book is I realized, Holy moly, right? For my whole life, I had believed that this was an area I couldn't understand, right? I wasn't conscious of that belief, but I grew up as a fat kid and I learned about health. I learned how to be empowered. I grew up spiritually poor, but I learned how to be spiritually rich. But I had not crossed that bridge financially. So when I learned that, I was like, whoa, you know, this is just a this is another part of the physical plane. And if we're we're here to master the physical plane, this is a part of our education here in on the Earth plane. So I learned about then this concept of financial stewardship, right. And learning the language of finance. And and it's, you know, it's very off putting at first because you hear a lot of big words and, you know, there's all this, you know, strange language around it, which I'm sure is in large part intentional. But what would you say? It's a long introduction to this question, but what would you say in terms of the difference between abundance and financial stewardship and people understanding that world?

Joel Salomon:
Well, rule number eight in the nine money rules millionaires use is DIY investing. And so that's what I teach. Do it yourself. And you don't have to go from zero doing it yourself to 100%. You can take the baby steps along the way, but I think it is important to take responsibility, take the stewardship of your own finances. And I have had people come to me and say, but my financial advisor is expert. Awesome. And I say, well, how do you know that? What are the returns they've been getting for the last one, three, five years? How does that compare to the overall market? Whatever market that is and most people don't know. They oh, I talk to my advisor every three months and they they explained everything to me. I said, okay, that may be fine, but you need to be able to talk intelligently with them and ask the right questions. What are their fees? What are their returns? What are the returns without the fees, with the returns? With the fees? And how has that been compared to the the different indices over those that time period? So even when you're the perception is you've given up responsibility. You haven't given up responsibility, you chose the financial advisor. So you have to take responsibility for that at least. And so it's it's it's very important, I believe, to take full responsibility for all aspects of your life, not just certain aspects. And that we talked about this earlier. I require my clients to take full responsibility for all aspects of their life, even if they're not managing their own money. They effectively are by making the decision to choose somebody else to do that. And you can say, oh, I can't, I'm going to blame that person. No, you chose that person to manage it for you. You need to take full responsibility for it. So that's really important and I, I. Have a really strong belief that you can do it yourself. And we've talked. About this already. It's, you know, if you trust your intuition, if you go through the nine money rules and follow them, you can do it yourself and become financially free.

Joel Salomon:
And so it's important to know that and have that belief. If you don't have that belief. We need to work on getting you to that belief level where you know that you can become financially free by doing it yourself, by trusting your intuition, and by taking the action steps that are required. And yes, it is true that a lot of times the verbiage, the terms can be complicated. And like you said, maybe it's done on purpose. But if you trust your intuition, if you have somebody like me who's your accountability partner and helping you along the way, then you can learn. And it's not rocket science, right? You don't need the calculus. You don't need higher. I don't have an MBA in finance.

Daniel Aaron:
Nice. Thank you. And that's empowering on so many levels. And I love the way you put it in terms of DIY. And it's very similar to creating success physically, right? You know, I can't hire a physical advisor to go to the gym for me. Well, I could and they probably would be happy to take my money and get in better shape themselves. But it's not going to do anything for my physical health. So, you know, it's just so empowering to, for for all of us, I think to realize, absolutely, we can do this. And not only can we, I would say we must. Right. We really need to learn this and take that level of responsibility. So I want to play Angel's advocate again, though for a moment, because you've spoken a few times about intuition and one of the one of the common pieces of advice that comes in the investing world, you know, whatever types of investment we're talking about is be careful of emotional investing, right? And you have to be logical and have a system and take your emotion out of it. And and emotion and intuition are not necessarily the same thing by any means, though I think. I think it's worth you clarifying a little more on this, because I have a feeling some people could get the wrong impression. Does that make sense to you?

Joel Salomon:
Absolutely. And I talk about this in the nine Money rules in the chapter on intuition too, because, look, I was managing hundreds of millions of dollars at at the peak $700 million for city. And, you know, and my own hedge fund, I had large amounts of money to manage. And so like, especially in 2008, there were times to be open with the viewers. I was fearful, I was worried, I was scared, I wasn't in the place I am now. I wasn't as enlightened as I am now, and so I but I learned to trust my intuition and then also distinguish between intuition and fear. And it's a very different feeling when you are trusting your intuition. What you can do and what I talk about in the book is think back to a time when you were using, you had used your intuition. What feelings in the body came up. You know what places the body felt differently? Did you feel warm or cold? You know what parts of the body were feeling that? Were you jittery or antsy? And how did what came up for you when the last time you used your intuition? And then check that with how you're feeling when the next time comes up. Is it intuition or fear? So you can parallel that? And I teach my clients actually how to develop their intuition. I say, look, I used to go to the gym and do my bicep curls to develop my bicep so you can develop your intuition. You are making hundreds of decisions every single day and start with a baby step. You know, maybe it's, you know, you're going, you know, you're commuting to work. You know, when you check your intuition to say which way is the best way to go? Now, I used to take my daughters to school every morning and we had options. We could take the highway, we could take the local roads, or we could hitchhike. Just kidding. So normally my intuition was telling me to take the highway. But there was one particular morning that the highway was all backed up with traffic. And my intuition was telling me to still take the highway, but my intellect said no. Why do that? So I went local and immediately my stomach was in knots. I heard the sirens, I saw the flashing lights. And because I didn't trust my intuition, it cost me $150 speeding ticket. And to this day, my daughters tease me and call me Speedy Pants.

Daniel Aaron:
That's great.

Joel Salomon:
So you can develop your intuition. Throughout the day and take those baby steps so that then when it comes to important decisions, you have more confidence in it. You believe in it. Rule number one, by the way, when you believe. And so then you can trust it and use it in more important decisions like investing. So hopefully that answers the question. Daniel.

Daniel Aaron:
Well that's great. I think it's really helpful part of the education for all of us here. And and I love that you mentioned baby steps a couple of times because something that's kept continue to pop up for me as you're speaking one of the. Challenges I've seen for people that get excited about, like, I'm going to I'm going to get ahead financially, I'm going to create financial freedom. And they they take some step, you know, they they invest in this or they invest in that. And. Then they have a setback and then they say something like, it didn't work out. And, you know, and my feeling with that always is like. It's not that it didn't work out. Let's, let's let's look at what's the real goal, what's your real aim. And if your real goal and your real aim is to get ahead, to get financially free, then well, that particular thing maybe hasn't worked out. Or maybe it did because you learned something, or maybe it hasn't worked out yet, but it's like, you know, just like all of us that are parents, there wasn't a point where we said, well, you know, honey, it took 3 or 4 steps and it really didn't work out. So I think we're going to have to give up on walking like, no, come on, any goal that is worthwhile is worth persisting in.

Joel Salomon:
Absolutely. So.

Daniel Aaron:
Baby steps and continued steps. But before I go any further, I realize we are just cooking along on time. Such a wonderful, rich conversation. Time flies. So in a moment I've got the big final question for you if you're willing. Prior to that though, people I'm sure are going to say like this, Joel, dude, I got to get in touch with him. How can I learn more? What are these nine habits? Six plus one guidelines for visualization. He's got, you know, all these cool acronyms. How can I learn more? What can I how can I get in touch with Joel? What's the best way?

Joel Salomon:
Thank you Daniel. So it's solid Morcombe. Say law for lawn mower for Morgan. My two daughters. My company name is named after my daughters, Sally Morcombe. And by the way, I give everyone in the world 30 minutes free. Absolutely free. Prosperity coaching. No obligation for anything else. That's my gift. I we talked about giving rule number six. And so that's my my giving to you. And yeah. So yeah I also for those who are watching here. Yeah I'm giving a for to this online course absolutely free. If you put in the discount code prosperity and you'll get that online course absolutely free. So that's an addition to my 30 minutes free of prosperity coaching on solimo.com.

Daniel Aaron:
Well you know you're not you're not saying that somebody could get both of those things are you.

Joel Salomon:
Yeah. Yeah.

Daniel Aaron:
Holy moly. Um, well, and I'm with you generosity. It not only feels good, it changes us. It makes the world a better place. And it creates a virtuous cycle of increased prosperity for everyone. So when I clicked on that second piece to bring up the the gift of getting into the nine Money Rules course of yours, I wasn't even realizing that was separate. I was thinking I was just helping people to connect to the 30 minutes that you offered. So we have that here now, and I'm going to type that into the the chat. So people have that URL easy and they can copy it and paste it. Would you say again like what's the way for them to get in touch with you if they want to take advantage of your kind offer for kind, generous offer for 30 minutes of money mindset coaching with you.

Joel Salomon:
Yeah. So go to Salliemae.com. That's sa LR, you're Morcombe. And the other thing I wanted to point out in the conversation you were just talking about before this, Daniel, is when when something goes awry, it appears to go awry in the physical world. You know, you made an investment and it didn't pan out. Think about what the gift is in the challenge, because I know in my life, if I step back far enough a year back or six months or many years back, there's a gift in that challenge. So this learnings that are going on maybe in the minute, you know, I remember going through my, well, both of my divorces. But the second divorce was really trying and going through it. If anybody had told me, oh, there's a gift in here, I would have been very upset. But now I know years later, I know that there was many gifts in that challenge, many, many gifts. And I don't wish that on anyone. But I'm in a better place personally, having gone through that experience. So think about what the gift could be and the challenge you're going through right now. Maybe even journal on it.

Daniel Aaron:
Hallelujah. Nicely said. Thank you. All right, well, that brings us along to the final question. The big question. Would it be okay? It's an impossible question, by the way. Like it's so ridiculously impossible. There's no way that you can answer this. So. Which means there's no pressure because you can't get it right. That means you can't get it wrong. Would it be okay? Can I ask you the big final question? Yes. So. So you've got so much experience, not just in the realm of finance, money mindset in life and spirituality. And as you know, this show is all about the art of vibrant living. So given all of that, here's the impossible task. What's the one thing that you would offer to our audience that they can do or not do? What's the one thing that will help them to have the most vibrant, amazing life possible for them?

Joel Salomon:
Well, for me, we talked about vibration and frequency earlier. The highest vibration is with abundance and prosperity is joy and happiness and love and passion. So if you're vibrating there, all you want in life will come to you. So think about how you can act in those ways of happiness and joy and passion and love on a daily basis. Because when you're acting like that, you're attracting that into your life. So imagine if the world 8 billion people were operating in that vein, the highest vibration of joy, passion, happiness, gratitude, appreciation, love, the abundance and prosperity, even though it's so abundant right now, would be even more abundant. So that's what that's how I would answer that question.

Daniel Aaron:
That's beautiful. So nicely said. 100% with you on that. Joel, you've been so generous to share your experience. Clearly, you're a master at this. You've, you've you've had so much experience yourself that you've been able to simplify stuff that, that for a lot of people is complex. And then you present it in a way that I think is really easy for people to grok and for our listeners and viewers to apply. So thank you so much for the work you've done on yourself and for the generosity of sharing it, and specifically with being with us today.

Joel Salomon:
Daniel, thanks so much for having me. It has been an honor and a pleasure, so I really appreciate you.

Daniel Aaron:
Awesome. Thank you for saying that. It's great to have you and for all of y'all that are viewing, watching either live or by rebroadcast. Thank you. Because you are who we're waiting for, you being interested in this, you taking the step to learn to tune in and then please take some action on what you're learning. Teach what you're learning to other people, try it out in your own life and know that that makes a difference in the world. Just you shifting your own vibration. Your own life has a huge ripple effect in the world. It's really important. You are really important and I love that you are here, I love you, I'm so grateful for you to be taking this time and investing in yourself and making your life in the world better. So y'all, thank you so much. Tune in again soon because we got more vibrancy on the way to you. And in the meantime, please make your life even more of a masterpiece. Aloha y'all! See you soon! Mahalo for tuning in to the Art of Vibrant Living show, y'all! I'm Daniel Aaron and may you live with great vibrancy.

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Joel Salomon

Joel is a Finance and Mindful Money Expert and Master Prosperity Coach who helps others overcome obstacles standing in the way of their financial freedom. He’s an award-winning TEDx speaker, workshop facilitator and frequent television and podcast guest who has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Newsday, U.S. News and World Report, and interviewed in Forbes and on Bloomberg Radio. As manager of a $700 million portfolio, the creator of his own successful hedge fund and the author of three best-selling books: Infinite Love and Money, The 9 Money Rules Millionaires Use and Mindful Money Management, Joel is an expert in the field of finance and the mindset of money.

As a hedge fund manager, Joel’s company, SaLaurMor Capital generated more than $1.5 million in revenues. And as a Prosperity Coach, Joel’s individual and Money Miracles Membership clients have manifested more than $5.21 million. Just as he teaches in his books and seminars, the true foundation of wealth and financial freedom is a mindset of abundance, self-worth, gratitude, love and service. For more information, please visit: https://www.salaurmor.com/

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